a vegan food blog that will be composed of recipes, straight up food porn, nutritional info and general food talk. occasionally, it will also be mingled with bits and pieces from my life outside of food which might include bicycles, art and my cat.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tomatoes and pasta.

TOMATOES! They are so very lovely. I honestly can't wait for tomato season every year (though I did not take full advantage of it this year). The shear variety never ceases to astound me.

I picked up these guys at the farmers' market, and decided to make another really simple tomato sauce similar to the one made a few posts back.

The tomatoes were chopped up and thrown in a pan with lots of garlic and a bit of olive oil. Once they had broken down into a sufficiently saucy texture, I added a pinch of sugar and a whole bunch of fresh basil.

Meanwhile, I cooked up some penne, and grilled some yellow beans on my newly seasoned cast iron grill (I LOVE IT!)

Here is the result.

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