I have not updated in a very long time. However, lately several friends have requested that I start posting again... so I am going to do my best to at LEAST post photos and descriptions, even if that means not always putting up recipes.
This dinner was made at my friend Lindsay's house. I had made a slightly different version for my brother and his girlfriend the week before. It's simple, full of vegetables, and delicious...
I would never have thought of adding cinnamon to rice had I not decided to make dolmades a few months ago. Basically, you start with some oil in a hot pan, throw in some garlic, about a teaspoon of cinnamon, maybe a pinch of cayenne, and then a handful of either sliced almonds or pinenuts. Toss these around in the pan for a bit before pouring in a cup of rice. Stir this until the rice looks like it's covered in the various spices, and then add a cup and a half of water and cook rice as usual.
This is best served with Mediterranean-y dishes. It's fragrant and delicious.
This is a recipe from veganomicon, so I shouldn't really post it in its entirety here. Basically, it's dill, tahini, some water, lemon juice and garlic all blended up into a sauce. It's AMAZING with the veggie skewers and rice.
These are so very simple. It's ridiculous. Preheat the oven to about 350 F
I like to marinate some tofu and then cut up various vegetables in huge chunks and put all of this stuff on a skewer. Then I mix together equal parts balsamic vinegar and olive oil and brush this over everything. Pop the skewers in the over (on a baking sheet), and about 20 minutes later, you have wonderful, flavourful, deliciously grilled vegetables. YUM!
If you're going to make this, I would suggest starting with the sauce, as it can be set aside. Next, prep the skewers and preheat the over. Pop the skewers in the over just as you are about to start the rice, and you are golden.
Finally, here's the part that really matters...
(photo by Lindsay Elliott)
that sounds like a great meal for a warm summer day, especially when people start barbecuing.
The skewers would be soooooo good on the bbq.
And skewers for dinner could be followed with some kind of grilled fruit skewers for dessert!
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