I decided that they would have enough flavour to hold their own in a very basic sauce, and I was right! They were so very lovely.
I used about the amount of tomatoes that you see in the photo above, or maybe a handful more.
I cleaned the tomatoes and cut them in half, heated some olive oil and garlic in a pan, and then tossed the tomatoes in.
I simmered them until they were a bit liquid-y, added 1 teaspoon of sugar (they were pretty tart), and a sprinkle of salt and pepper. I then continued to let them simmer on low heat until they reached a more sauce-like consistency.
The rest of dinner was composed of some roasted mushrooms and zucchini; some leftover "burger" mix (see earlier post), simply pan fried instead of floured into burger form; and some stips of marinated tofu.
Roasting veggies!
Mushrooms were cleaned and rubbed with olive oil before tossing them into the oven preheated to 350F. They stayed in there for about 10 minutes before I added the oiled zucchini chunks to the mix (it takes less time to cook). They probably stayed in for another ten minutes. I don't usually time roasted vegetables, but rather test them periodically to see what's what.
The tofu was the "Marinated Asian Tofu" from the Veganomicon.
The whole thing was sprinkled with fresh cilantro.
All-in-all, pretty delicious dinner.
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