tempeh is much higher in fiber and slightly higher in protein and other nutrients than tofu. it has what is often described as an "earthy" or "nutty" flavour.
I have basically no experience with tempeh, so i took this recipe directly from the Veganomicon with no additions (except for some grated carrot...)
directly out of the oven...
plated with a bit of italian parsley.
the verdict:
ok, so the shepardess pie was pretty good, but i have to say that i am still not particularly crazy for tempeh. i think that it has more to do with the texture than the flavour (??) maybe. i can't quite put my finger on it.
my husband jake, however, thought that it was great.
i don't know...
perhaps i will try it again in the future in a different incarnation, but for now, tempeh will not be making a permanent home in my kitchen.
I'm not a fan of tempeh either. I just happened to make this shepardess pie last night and substituted seitan for the tempeh in the recipe. It turned out really well.
oooh. good idea.
yeah, i just wanted to give tempeh another chance... but it kind of nauseates me.
hurray for tofu and sietan!
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