a vegan food blog that will be composed of recipes, straight up food porn, nutritional info and general food talk. occasionally, it will also be mingled with bits and pieces from my life outside of food which might include bicycles, art and my cat.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

it's been months...

life got busy and hectic... then my old computer died... and i haven't really picked up the slack ever since.
time to start posting again!!

sometime in the next few weeks (once i have recovered everything from my old hard-drive) i will play catch up on some posts from the fall.

until then... new updates later today...
and new CATS right now!!

rosemary biscuit northe

wesley thomas northe

(note: if you're looking back at earlier posts, and see a cat and think, "hey! that's a different cat!"... it's true. poor little hunter sweatpants got very sick last summer, and had to be put to sleep :( rest in peace, little rabbit.)

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