a vegan food blog that will be composed of recipes, straight up food porn, nutritional info and general food talk. occasionally, it will also be mingled with bits and pieces from my life outside of food which might include bicycles, art and my cat.

Friday, August 29, 2008

simple dinner.

I like to enjoy new potatoes while their around, so this dinner had some more of those (boiled) with some more lovely, broiled yellow zucchini, fried mushrooms with red pepper and a tofurkey smokie. yum!

The mushrooms and red pepper were shopped up and then tossed in a cast iron frying pan with some garlic (how much really depends on your taste), a splash of tamari, and a generous pinch of paprika.

The potatoes were topped with tofutti sour supreme, mixed with a squeeze of lime juice, and some chilli paste (once again, the amount really depends on your taste for spice)

That's pretty much it.

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